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일체(Sabba)에 대한 앎


1Vuttañhetaṃ bhagavatā vuttamarahatāti me sutaṃ:

2 4 “Sabbaṃ, bhikkhave, anabhijānaṃ aparijānaṃ tattha cittaṃ avirājayaṃ appajahaṃ abhabbo dukkhakkhayāya. Sabbañca kho, bhikkhave, abhijānaṃ parijānaṃ tattha cittaṃ virājayaṃ pajahaṃ bhabbo dukkhakkhayāyā”ti. Etamatthaṃ bhagavā avoca. Tatthetaṃ iti vuccati:

37“Yo sabbaṃ sabbato ñatvā,
sabbatthesu na rajjati;
Sa ve sabbapariññā so,
sabbadukkhamupaccagā”ti .

4Ayampi attho vutto bhagavatā, iti me sutanti.


7. Understanding the All

This was said by the Lord…

“Bhikkhus, one who has not directly known and fully understood the ‘All,’who has not detached his mind from it and abandoned it, is incapable of destroying suffering. But one who has directly known and fully understood the ‘All,’ and who has detached his mind from it and abandoned it, is capable of destroying suffering.”

One who knows the “All” in every way,
Who is not attached to anything,
Having fully understood the “All,”
Has overcome all suffering.

katamā V.2.97 sabbapariññā? patte pakkhittapiṇḍapātasmiñhi ekasmiṃyeva pañcakāmaguṇikarāgo labbhati. kathaṃ? parisuddhaṃ tāvassa vaṇṇaṃ olokayato rūparāgo hoti, uṇhe sappimhi tattha āsiñcante paṭapaṭāti saddo uṭṭhahati, tathārūpaṃ khādanīyaṃ khādantassa murumurūti saddo uppajjati, taṃ assādayato saddarāgo. jīrakādivasagandhaṃ assādentassa gandharāgo, sādurasavasena rasarāgo. mudubhojanaṃ phassavantanti assādayato phoṭṭhabbarāgo. 

iti imasmiṃ āhāre satisampajaññena pariggahetvā nicchandarāgaparibhogena paribhutte sabbopi so pariññāto hotīti ayaṃ sabbapariññā nāma.
