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India to host 108 Buddhist pilgrims from S. Korea



India to host 108 Buddhist pilgrims from S. Korea | The Navhind Times

Press Trust of India New Delhi In a first, 108 South Korean pilgrims will trace the footsteps of Gautam Buddha from Sarnath to Shravasti celebrating the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between India and South Korea. The pilgrims will traverse 1,16



India to host 108 Buddhist pilgrims from S. Korea


Press Trust of India

New Delhi

In a first, 108 South Korean pilgrims will trace the footsteps of Gautam Buddha from Sarnath to Shravasti celebrating the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between India and South Korea.

The pilgrims will traverse 1,167 km over a period of 43 days, visiting Buddhist holy sites in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar and Buddha’s birthplace at Lumbini in Nepal, participating in religious assemblies, practising walking meditation and praying for world peace.


The pilgrims, belonging to the Jogye order of Korean Buddhism, will embark on their pilgrimage from the Jogyesa Temple in Incheon in South Korea on February 9.   

The foot march will begin from Dhamekh Stupa in Sarnath on February 11 and conclude at the Jetavana Monastery in Shravasti on March 20. The pilgrimage will conclude at the Jogyesa Temple in Incheon on March 23.


“The circuit seeks to help tourists experience first hand the teachings of Lord Buddha and trace the footsteps of Buddha during his lifetime,” Apurva Chandra, Secretary, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, told reporters here.

Chandra said the walking pilgrimage was part of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision to popularise India’s Buddhist tourism circuit across the world. He said the Centre and the governments of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar will extend all assistance to the pilgrims throughout the pilgrimage.

The walking pilgrimage has been organised by the Sangwol Society of India, which represents the Jogye order of Korean Buddhism, the most representative order of the religion in South Korea.

“This mega Buddhist pilgrimage is a befitting tribute to our shared Buddhist heritage. This will go a long way in further deepening the people-to-people contact,” Chang Jae-bok, South Korea’s ambassador to India said.

He said during the pilgrimage, the pilgrims will pay homage at eight major Buddhist holy sites, experience Indian Buddhism and culture, and have meetings with religious leaders. They will also hold a prayer assembly for world peace and a blessing ceremony for the dignity of life, the South Korean envoy said.




인도, 한국 불교 순례자 108명 초청

인도의 언론 신뢰

뉴 델리

한국과 인도 수교 50주년을 기념해 108명의 한국 순례자가 사르나트에서 슈라바스티까지 고타마 붓다의 발자취를 따라가게 된다.

순례자들은 43일 동안 1,167km를 횡단하며 우타르 프라데시와 비하르의 불교 성지와 네팔 룸비니의 부처님 탄생지를 방문하고 종교 집회에 참여하며 걷기 명상을 하고 세계 평화를 기원합니다.

대한불교 조계종 소속의 순례자들이 2월 9일 인천 조계사에서 순례길에 오른다.

도보 행진은 2월 11일 사르나트의 다메크 스투파에서 시작하여 3월 20일 슈라바스티의 제따바나 수도원에서 끝납니다. 순례는 3월 23일 인천 조계사에서 끝납니다.

아푸르바 찬드라(Apurva Chandra) 정보방송부 장관은 이곳에서 기자들에게 "이 순회는 관광객들이 부처님의 가르침을 직접 경험하고 부처님의 생애 동안의 발자취를 추적할 수 있도록 돕고자 합니다."라고 말했습니다.

Chandra는 도보 순례가 전 세계에 걸쳐 인도의 불교 관광 순회를 대중화하려는 Narendra Modi 총리의 비전의 일부라고 말했습니다. 그는 센터와 우타르 프라데시와 비하르 정부가 순례 기간 동안 순례자들에게 모든 지원을 확대할 것이라고 말했습니다.

이번 걷기 성지순례는 대한불교의 가장 대표적인 종단인 대한불교 조계종을 대표하는 인도상월회가 주최했다.

“이 대규모 불교 순례는 우리가 공유하는 불교 유산에 대한 적절한 찬사입니다. 이는 인적 교류를 더욱 심화시키는 데 큰 도움이 될 것”이라고 말했다.

그는 순례 기간 동안 순례자들은 8대 불교 성지를 참배하고 인도 불교와 문화를 체험하고 종교 지도자들과 만남을 가질 것이라고 말했다. 또한 세계평화를 위한 기도회와 생명의 존엄을 위한 축복식도 함께 할 예정이라고 주한 특사는 말했습니다.







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