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[스크랩] 빠알리 삼장의 한역 산스크리트 티벳 참조-SuttaCentral.net


  Online Sutta Correspondence Project

빠알리 삼장에 대한 한문 티벳 산스크리트 등의 참조


Pali(빠알리) | Chinese(한문) | Tibetan(티벳) | Sanskrit(산스크리트) | Prakrit | Gandhari | Khotanese |




This facility enables one to identify the Chinese, Tibetan, and Sanskrit "parallels" or "counterparts" to the suttas of the four main Pali Nikayas - or vice versa. It is designed for those whose interest in the Early Buddhist discourses extends beyond the limits of the Pali Sutta-piṭaka to include the extensive corresponding materials found elsewhere: the Agamas and individual sutras preserved in Chinese, the occasional sutra translations contained in the Tibetan Kanjur, and the numerous published fragments of sutras in Sanskrit and related languages. It is an up-dated and revised successor to Akanuma's Comparative Catalogue of Chinese Agamas & Pali Nikayas (1929), and is the natural starting point in navigating around this vast mass of textual material.


Note: SuttaCentral.net has been updated. Previously when a list of suttas is displayed one clicked on the sutta abbreviation to access the correspondences. Now, there is a separate link for going to the correspondences and new links to translations in various languages, where they are available, and clicking on the sutta abbreviation itself takes one directly to the text in the original language (now consistent with what occurs on other display pages).


출처 : 대승에서 초기불교로
글쓴이 : 명행족 원글보기
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