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Pāli 와 Sanskrit 와 English로 된 불교 자료




巴利文 Pāli



梵文 Sanskrit

  • 普及佛學辭彙 Samanta Buddhist Glossary
  • Monier Williams Sanskrit-English Dictionary (2008 revision)
  • Sanskrit Language From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Sanskrit, Tamil and Pahlavi Dictionaries
  • Apte Sanskrit Dictionary Search
  • Macdonell, Arthur Anthony.
    A practical Sanskrit dictionary with transliteration, accentuation, and etymological analysis throughout. London: Oxford University Press, 1929.
  • W.D. Whitney, The Roots, Verb-Forms, and Primary Derivatives of the Sanskrit Language
  • Sanskrit Nominal Morphology
  • Omkarananda Ashram's Sanskrit Page
  • Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon: Monier-Williams' 'Sanskrit-English Dictionary'
  • Sanskrit Library
    The Sanskrit Library is a digital library dedicated to facilitating education and research in Sanskrit by providing access to digitized primary texts in Sanskrit and computerized research and study tools to analyze and maximize the utility of digitized Sanskrit text. Scholars and students of Sanskrit are invited to use this web site.
  • The Korean Buddhist Canon: A Descriptive Catalogue
  • Digital Sanskrit Buddhist Canon
    University of The West and Nagarjuna Institute of Exact Methods (NIEM) have jointly launched the Digital Sanskrit Buddhist Canon Website for the benefit of the scholastic world.Our goal is to promote research into the vast Sanskrit Buddhist Canon. The scriptures and treatises which make up this canon encompass thousands of printed pages.
  • Sanskrit Documents
  • The Sanskrit Heritage Site
  • Sanskrit Academy
  • OMNIGLOT wiriting Systems & Languages of the World
  • Thesaurus Literaturae Buddhicae

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