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Anapanasati Sutta(M118)

호흡관찰은 들숨과 날숨의 관찰로 시작해서 기쁨 행복 마음 무상 소멸의 관찰로 이어진다.

분명히 아는것(pajānāti, understand)으로 시작해서  배워 익히는 것(sikkhati,trains)으로 부지런히 나아가야한다. 

28. 그는 길게 숨을 들이쉴 때는 나는 길게 숨을 들이쉰다고 분명히 알고, 길게 숨을 내쉴 때는 나는 길게 숨을 내쉰다고 분명히 안다. 짧게 숨을 들이쉴 때는 나는 짧게 숨을 들이쉰다고 분명히 알고, 짧게 숨을 내쉴 때는 나는 짧게 숨을 내쉰다고 분명히 안다. 온몸을 경험하면서 나는 숨을 들이쉰다고 전념하고, 온몸을 경험하면서 나는 숨을 내쉰다고 전념한다. 몸의 형성을 고요하게 하면서 나는 숨을 들이쉰다고 전념하고, 몸의 형성을 고요하게 하면서 나는 숨을 내쉰다고 전념한다.

Dīghaṃ vā assasanto ‘dīghaṃ assasāmī’ti pajānāti, dīghaṃ vā passasanto ‘dīghaṃ passasāmī’ti pajānāti; rassaṃ vā assasanto ‘rassaṃ assasāmī’ti pajānāti, rassaṃ vā passasanto ‘rassaṃ passasāmī’ti pajānāti; ‘sabbakāyapaṭisaṃvedī assasissāmī’ti sikkhati, ‘sabbakāyapaṭisaṃvedī passasissāmī’ti sikkhati; ‘passambhayaṃ kāyasaṅkhāraṃ assasissāmī’ti sikkhati, ‘passambhayaṃ kāyasaṅkhāraṃ passasissāmī’ti sikkhati. (1)

29. 그는 희열을 경험하면서 나는 숨을 들이쉰다고 전념하고, 희열을 경험하면서 나는 숨을 내쉰다고 전념한다. 그는 행복을 경험하면서 나는 숨을 들이쉰다고 전념하고, 행복을 경험하면서 나는 숨을 내쉰다고 전념한다. 그는 마음의 형성을 경험하면서 나는 숨을 들이쉰다고 전념하고, 마음의 형성을 경험하면서 나는 숨을 내쉰다고 전념한다. 그는 마음의 형성을 고요히 하면서 나는 숨을 들이쉰다고 전념하고, 마음의 형성을 고요히 하면서 나는 숨을 내쉰다고 전념한다.

‘Pītipaṭisaṃvedī assasissāmī’ti sikkhati, ‘pītipaṭisaṃvedī passasissāmī’ti sikkhati; ‘sukhapaṭisaṃvedī assasissāmī’ti sikkhati, ‘sukhapaṭisaṃvedī passasissāmī’ti sikkhati; ‘cittasaṅkhārapaṭisaṃvedī assasissāmī’ti sikkhati, ‘cittasaṅkhārapaṭisaṃvedī passasissāmī’ti sikkhati; ‘passambhayaṃ cittasaṅkhāraṃ assasissāmī’ti sikkhati, ‘passambhayaṃ cittasaṅkhāraṃ passasissāmī’ti sikkhati. (2)

30. 그는 마음을 경험하면서 나는 숨을 들이쉰다고 전념하고, 마음을 경험하면서 나는 숨을 내쉰다고 전념한다. 그는 마음을 기쁘게 하면서 나는 숨을 들이쉰다고 전념하고, 마음을 기쁘게 하면서 나는 숨을 내쉰다고 전념한다. 그는 마음을 집중시키면서 나는 숨을 들이쉰다고 전념하고, 마음을 집중시키면서 나는 숨을 내쉰다고 전념한다. 그는 마음을 해탈시키면서 나는 숨을 들이쉰다고 전념하고, 마음을 해탈시키면서 나는 숨을 내쉰다고 전념한다.

‘Cittapaṭisaṃvedī assasissāmī’ti sikkhati, ‘cittapaṭisaṃvedī passasissāmī’ti sikkhati; ‘abhippamodayaṃ cittaṃ assasissāmī’ti sikkhati, ‘abhippamodayaṃ cittaṃ passasissāmī’ti sikkhati; ‘samādahaṃ cittaṃ assasissāmī’ti sikkhati, ‘samādahaṃ cittaṃ passasissāmī’ti sikkhati; ‘vimocayaṃ cittaṃ assasissāmī’ti sikkhati, ‘vimocayaṃ cittaṃ passasissāmī’ti sikkhati. (3)

31. 그는 무상을 관찰하면서 나는 숨을 들이쉰다고 전념하고, 무상을 관찰하면서 나는 숨을 내쉰다고 전념한다. 그는 사라짐을 관찰하면서 나는 숨을 들이쉰다고 전념하고, 사라짐을 관찰하면서 나는 숨을 내쉰다고 전념한다. 그는 소멸을 관찰하면서 나는 숨을 들이쉰다고 전념하고, 소멸을 관찰하면서 나는 숨을 내쉰다고 전념한다. 그는 보내버림을 관찰하면서 나는 숨을 들이쉰다고 전념하고, 보내버림을 관찰하면서 나는 숨을 내쉰다고 전념한다. 수행승들이여, 호흡새김을 이와 같이 닦고 이와 같이 익히면, 이렇게 커다란 과보, 커다란 공덕이 있다.

‘Aniccānupassī assasissāmī’ti sikkhati, ‘aniccānupassī passasissāmī’ti sikkhati; ‘virāgānupassī assasissāmī’ti sikkhati, ‘virāgānupassī passasissāmī’ti sikkhati; ‘nirodhānupassī assasissāmī’ti sikkhati, ‘nirodhānupassī passasissāmī’ti sikkhati; ‘paṭinissaggānupassī assasissāmī’ti sikkhati, ‘paṭinissaggānupassī passasissāmī’ti sikkhati. Evaṃ bhāvitā kho, bhikkhave, ānāpānassati evaṃ bahulīkatā mahapphalā hoti mahānisaṃsā. (4)

"[1] Breathing in long, he discerns, 'I am breathing in long'; or breathing out long, he discerns, 'I am breathing out long.' [2] Or breathing in short, he discerns, 'I am breathing in short'; or breathing out short, he discerns, 'I am breathing out short.' [3] He trains himself, 'I will breathe in sensitive to the entire body.'[2] He trains himself, 'I will breathe out sensitive to the entire body.' [4] He trains himself, 'I will breathe in calming bodily fabrication.'[3] He trains himself, 'I will breathe out calming bodily fabrication.'

"[5] He trains himself, 'I will breathe in sensitive to rapture.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe out sensitive to rapture.' [6] He trains himself, 'I will breathe in sensitive to pleasure.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe out sensitive to pleasure.' [7] He trains himself, 'I will breathe in sensitive to mental fabrication.'[4] He trains himself, 'I will breathe out sensitive to mental fabrication.' [8] He trains himself, 'I will breathe in calming mental fabrication.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe out calming mental fabrication.'

"[9] He trains himself, 'I will breathe in sensitive to the mind.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe out sensitive to the mind.' [10] He trains himself, 'I will breathe in satisfying the mind.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe out satisfying the mind.' [11] He trains himself, 'I will breathe in steadying the mind.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe out steadying the mind.' [12] He trains himself, 'I will breathe in releasing the mind.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe out releasing the mind.'[5]

"[13] He trains himself, 'I will breathe in focusing on inconstancy.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe out focusing on inconstancy.' [14] He trains himself, 'I will breathe in focusing on dispassion [literally, fading].' He trains himself, 'I will breathe out focusing on dispassion.' [15] He trains himself, 'I will breathe in focusing on cessation.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe out focusing on cessation.' [16] He trains himself, 'I will breathe in focusing on relinquishment.' He trains himself, 'I will breathe out focusing on relinquishment.'

"This is how mindfulness of in-&-out breathing is developed & pursued so as to be of great fruit, of great benefit.

Breathing in long, he understands: ‘I breathe in long’; or breathing out long, he understands: ‘I breathe out long.’ Breathing in short, he understands: ‘I breathe in short’; or breathing out short, he understands: ‘I breathe out short.’ He trains thus: ‘I shall breathe in experiencing the whole body of breath’; he trains thus: ‘I shall breathe out experiencing the whole body of breath.’ He trains thus: ‘I shall breathe in tranquillising the bodily formation’; he trains thus: ‘I shall breathe out tranquillising the bodily formation.’

“He trains thus: ‘I shall breathe in experiencing rapture’; he trains thus: ‘I shall breathe out experiencing rapture.’ He trains thus: ‘I shall breathe in experiencing pleasure’; he trains thus: ‘I shall breathe out experiencing pleasure.’ He trains thus: ‘I shall breathe in experiencing the mental formation’; he trains thus: ‘I shall breathe out experiencing the mental formation. ’ He trains thus: ‘I shall breathe in tranquillising the mental formation’; he trains thus: ‘I shall breathe out tranquillising the mental formation.’

“He trains thus: ‘I shall breathe in experiencing the mind’; he trains thus: ‘I shall breathe out experiencing the mind.’ He trains thus: ‘I shall breathe in gladdening the mind’; he trains thus: ‘I shall breathe out gladdening the mind.’ He trains thus: ‘I shall breathe in concentrating the mind’; he trains thus: ‘I shall breathe out concentrating the mind.’ He trains thus: ‘I shall breathe in liberating the mind’; he trains thus: ‘I shall breathe out liberating the mind.’

“He trains thus: ‘I shall breathe in contemplating impermanence’; he trains thus: ‘I shall breathe out contemplating impermanence. ’ He trains thus: ‘I shall breathe in contemplating fading away’; he trains thus: ‘I shall breathe out contemplating fading away.’ He trains thus: ‘I shall breathe in contemplating cessation’; he trains thus: ‘I shall breathe out contemplating cessation.’ He trains thus: ‘I shall breathe in contemplating relinquishment’; he trains thus: ‘I shall breathe out contemplating relinquishment. ’

“Bhikkhus, that is how mindfulness of breathing is developed and cultivated, so that it is of great fruit and great benefit.


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